Court Farm Primary School

Dream Believe Achieve

Statutory Assessments


Each year the DfE produce a report about every school in the country, reviewing the results in national tests (ASP).

This is a summary of some of the data.

Basic characteristics of the school

Court Farm Primary School, Birmingham, is a smaller than average primary school. It has many more girls than boys. A very high proportion of children are known to be eligible for FSM. It has a very high proportion of children from minority ethnic groups, with many of these children having English as an additional language (EAL). There is an above average proportion of children with SEN at SA level and a similar proportion at SAP/Statement level.


EYFS 2019 (Academic Year 2018-19)

72% of children achieved a Good Level of Development


Phonic Screening 2019 (Academic Year 2018-19)

83% of children passed the phonic screening check


KS1 SATS 2019 (Academic Year 2018-19)


Expected Standard Greater Depth


77% 23%


70% 13%


77% 17%


KS2 SATS 2019 (Academic Year 2018-19)

Achieved Standard Higher Standard Progress

Reading, Writing, Maths Combined


Reading 62% 24% -0.62
GPS 72% 31%
Maths 59% 14% -1.61
Writing (TA) 69% 14% -0.04

 Scaled Scores

Reading 101

Maths 101


To find out more about our school, you can also visit the DFE's website.

Click here to visit the DfE school performance tables website.